The 60s Official Site

Where Music is Our Middle Name

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 Top Ten Songs On This Day


  1. Running Bear/Johnny Preston
  2. Teen Angel/Mark Dinning
  3. El Paso/Marty Robbins
  4. Where Or When/Dion and the Belmonts
  5. Go Jimmy Go/Jimmy Clanton
  6. Why/Frankie Avalon
  7. Handy Man/Jimmy Jones
  8. The Big Hurt/Miss Toni Fisher
  9. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans/Freddy Cannon
  10. Pretty Blue Eyes/Steve Lawrence


 Sign my Guest Book

Carl Hoffman

Carl Hoffman

Carl - Vietnam 1968

Carl  Vietnam 1968


Juke Music

 Eva Pasco - Wild Mushrooms

Rock to Jock by Johnny Holliday

How Four Events in 1969 Shaped America

 Somewhere in the Distance by David Soulsby

Altamont Augie by Richard Barager

Hullabaloo by Dave Hull



CQ Hams

My Blog